What is the purpose of the department?
The Learning Support Department has been created as an invaluable resource for all of our TBS students, parents, and teachers. The mission is to provide academic, social-emotional and behavioral support to students who have identified exceptionalities in order for them to develop to their fullest academic potential.
What is the benefit?
Our programme aims to create an engaging learning environment that addresses barriers to learning in an effort to foster academic success. The support department works directly with teachers, families and community professionals to promote the healthy development of our students.
Learning support is provided by certified, foreign trained teachers for students with various exceptionalities, so as to meet their individual needs and access the education.
Student Support Coordination
Student support services at TBS encompass counseling and learning support, which collaborate closely as a team, in order to best support our TBS students. Services may include compensatory and remedial instruction, specific skill development, re-teaching and content support, The learning support team frequently liaises with specialists outside the school in an effort to provide a wide array of services to our TBS families.
To set up a meeting with our department please send us an email: info@tarabyabritishschools.com
Guest Universities
Social Projects
Panels and Exhibitions
School Magazines

Learning Support Department